Monday, October 26, 2020

Create A Chatbot For Your Website And Facebook Page


Types of chatbots varies on a larga scale, generally the main types are including, but not limited to the following categories:

  • Business bots, with general info on a company, where everyone immediately gets the adequate, but same reply.
  • Support bots, where the user can explore a virtual space and find solution to a specific problem.
  • Pachinko style bots, where the user experience begins at the top with a welcome sequence, bounces through various options as they make their choices, and ends up in one of the final slots, usually a purchase. Like ordering pizza or making travel reservations.
  • Bots that serve as channel to access individually different data pulled-off via specific APIs. Such as financial platforms and exchanges.
  • Bots for fun, like games, trivia, quizzes, educational entertainment

Get in touch and let's work out a unique promotion plan suited specially for Your Business !

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